The client, parent/guardian in case of a minor, is responsible for their own safety and actions while at the location of the portrait session. Smoke Screen Photography is not responsible for any liability, accidents, illnesses, damage or loss to person or property that may result from the photography session itself or anything related to the photography session. Client maintains the right to refuse any request put forth by Smoke Screen Photography during the session to obtain the photo, but agreement to those request removes liability from Smoke Screen Photography.
1. The client shall reimburse photographer for any additional cost the photographer may incur for travel, and any other reasonable cost necessary to the performance of photography services.
2. The retainer is non-refundable and required at the time of booking. If the client cancels or changes the engagement client must notify photographer within 72 hrs. Client can reschedule and the retainer would go towards the future.
3. Photographs shall be delivered through the agreed upon platforms. (Online gallery)
4. The client shall assist and cooperate with the photographer in obtaining the desired photographs. The photographer shall not be responsible for photographs not taken as a result of the client’s failure to provide reasonable assistance or cooperation.
5. Please be respectful of Photographers time, as well as equipment.
A 15 minute window will be allocated. **** Please be on time.
6. Safety of client, staff, photographer is first and foremost most important. If it isn’t safe or look safe it won’t be performed during and or after photo session.
7. The photographer retains the copyright(s) in the photographs, and hereby grants the client unlimited but non-exclusive rights to use or reproduce the photos which the client pays.
8. The client has read and understood the terms above. The client hereby agrees to the terms of this agreement.
I give permission for Smoke Screen Photography and its affiliates to use my photographs for advertisement and marketing campaigns, including web and printed materials. I understand that my photos will remain the property of Smoke Screen Photography and its affiliates. I will allow Smoke Screen Photography and its affiliates to use their best judgement in choosing the photos used. I hereby give permission for the photographer, its company, to have full and free use of all photographs containing my image(s) and/or likeness. I fully understand that these photographs may be used for promotional and publication purposes such as website, and social media. I understand that the photographer owns any images from any photoshoot, unless otherwise noted.
I do certify that I am of legal age and possess full legal capacity to execute the foregoing authorization and release.
I am the parent or guardian of the minor child named below and I have the legal authority to execute this release on behalf of the child. In consideration of the child’s engagement as a model and for other valuable consideration received. I give Smoke Screen Photography and photographer’s heirs, legal representatives, and assigns the irrevocable, perpetual and unrestricted right to take and use photographs of the child named below taken by the photographer Smoke Screen Photography in all forms, media and manners, in conjunction for advertising and or promotional materials.
The photography studio and employees owns the copyright to all images. It is illegal to copy, scan, or reproduce photograph or digital images created by Smoke Screen Photography. By doing so, you are devaluating my work as an artist. Print release will only be included for images purchased through the digital packages.
I am aware that Smoke Screen Photography will deliver my images digitally and in a timely manner. I understand that Smoke Screen Photography will have my images delivered to me within 3-6 weeks but that timing may vary according to schedule. It is with understanding that an approximate number of edited images will fill my gallery, but, if session cannot be continued for reason's outside of Smoke Screen Photography control (i.e. uncooperation etc.), the number of edited images may lessen Smoke Screen Photography is not responsible for a reshoot of any images if session is not interrupted by anything other than weather, illness or emergency.
By checking this box, you indicate that you are aware you are signing a legally binding contract, and agree to all terms through your digital signature below:
You're Done! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. This is for us to understand the vibe you are going after so we come fully prepared.
We can't wait to get to know each you and capture the beautiful shoot you have envisioned.
In the meantime, feel free to reach out with any other questions.